Heavy Work

Serving you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What we offer

Heavy Works

Our Heavy Work team is well experienced with jobs that need “hard work” like slewing bearing replacement, pivot pin and bearing replacement, wire sheaving changeout, hydraulic aggregate pumps/distribution gearbox replacement and overhaul, slewing gear replacement and backlash adjustment, jib replacement, crack repairs etc. In addition, we have crane engineer to offer the adjustment and tuning.
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Our Locations


Email: raymond@kraanwerks.com
Address: Regus Vision Exchange
2 Venture Drive #24-01
Singapore 608526
UEN 202232623H
Website: www.KraanWerks.com


KraanWerks Aftersales Services
PT. KraanWerks Indonesia.
Mega Regency Industrial Area Blok B No 01,
Kel. Sungai Binti, Kec.Sagulung

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